Focus On Women

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Seminar of Communist and Workers' Parties
100th Celebration of International Women's Day
"The Role of Communists in the Struggle for the Parity and Emancipation of Women"
March 26, 2010, Brussels

Statements from the Seminar:

  1. Press Statement of the KKE

  2. Opening Speech by Al. Papariga, General Secretary of the CC of KKE

  3. Statement of the Communist Party of Sweden

  4. Statement of the New Communist Party of Britain

  5. Lynda Walker, Chairperson of the Communist Party of Ireland

  6. Intervention by Dr Marie Nassif-Debs, Vice General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party

  7. Intervention by the Tudeh Party of Iran

  8. Intervention by Telma Capucho Member of the Central Committee Portuguese Communist Party

  9. Intervention by Willy Berend, New Communist Party of the Netherlands

  10. Intervention by Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Nina Ostanina, deputy of the RF State Duma, member of the CPRF Central Committee

  11. Message from the Federation of Cuban Women

  12. Intervention by the EMEP Labour Party, Turkey

  13. Intervention by Lydie Neufcourt, National Bureau member of the Workers' Party of Belgium

  14. Written Contribution by ANTONIO E. PARIS, General Secretary, PARTIDO KOMUNISTA NG PILIPINAS, (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party)


International Women's Day Statement 2011

Canadian for Peace and Socialism

March 5, 2011

The majority of Canadian women who rely on wages, salaries and contracts to live and to support their families are defiantly resisting all attempts, overt and covert, by the right-wing minority Harper Conservative Government and its big business backers to roll back the economic and political gains won by women in the past.  

Women everywhere are determined to retain past gains and move forward into the 21st century to challenge and overthrow all remaining barriers imposed on them by capitalism. Women, not to be denied have become a powerful political force for progressive change in Canada.


International Women’s Day March 8th 2010

The Harper Government Opposes Gender Equality, Women Demand Progress Not Reports

Don Currie, Editor
Focus on Socialism
March 8th 2010

The United Nations from March 1st  to 12th 2010 will conduct a 15th anniversary review of the implementation by member states of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPA) adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995)   and the outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly on Gender Equality, Development and Peace (June 2000) . 

In preparation of the 15 year review the UN sent a UN Questionnaire   to member states requesting a progress report on implementation of the goals of the BDPA.

Canada’s response, compiled with strict oversight and control by the right wing Harper Conservative Minority Government,   is a carefully crafted document claiming “many positive stories” about progress for women in Canada. In spite of Conservative spin, the report is compelled to admit that for the majority of Canadian women in particular working class women, aboriginal women, immigrant women, single mothers and elderly women very little progress has been made since 1995 to rectify the second class economic and social status of Canadian women.



The struggle for the emancipation of the woman is the struggle for the emancipation of the whole working class

Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
March 1, 2010

On 1st March the Party Organisations of KKE in Attica held an event on the 100th anniversary since the establishment on the International Women’s Day and the contribution of KKE to the struggle for the emancipation of women.

The Event opened with Cangyl Ornek, member of the Party Council of the Turkish Communist Party (TKP) who extended a brief greeting. Cangyl Ornek highlighted the contribution of women to the struggles of the tobacco workers in Turkey and reiterated the solidarity of TKP with the struggles of the working class in Greece. The meeting also included a video about the struggle of KKE for the emancipation of women as well as a cultural programme with militant revolutionary songs inspired by the struggles of the working people. The Stadium of Apollonas in Rizoupolis proved to be too small to admit all the people who responded to the call of KKE and attended the yesterday’s event.



Statement Canadians for Peace and Socialism -International Women's Day 2009

March 8, 2009
Canadians for Peace and Socialism

On this International Women's Day, across Canada and everywhere around the world women are defiantly resisting militarism war and economic crisis. Women are joining organizations that fight for their rights. Women have created new organizations and formed international networks of solidarity in a determined effort to end violence against women in all of its forms wherever it arises. Women demand good jobs that provide economic independence. Women insist on their right to access meaningful education. They demand the rights of children and the family be upheld. They expose and reject racism, ignorance, male chauvinism and religious prejudice used to subjugate and deprive women of their rights.



CPS Statement on International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day
March 8, 2008

On this International Women’s Day Canadian women confront a federal government claiming to uphold “family values” while working to undermine and eliminate all of the “value” gains won by women in past decades that protect their right to work, with adequate child care, to be economically independent by redressing pay inequalities, to guarantee job opportunities in male dominated workplaces, protect their right to choose and to be protected from sexist affronts on the job and in the community.



Communist Party of Canada IWD Statement 2010
Communist Party of Canada
March 8, 2010

The response to the economic crisis by working people, women and men, must be a massive campaign to build a People’s Coalition for a genuine alternative to corporate greed. Such a campaign, led by the labour movement and its allies, should fight to restructure the economy, to provide sustainable jobs and to improve social services such as health, education and universal child care, to provide increased opportunities for women in the work force. To protect jobless workers and their families, EI payments must be set at 90% of previous earnings for the full duration of unemployment.


The women’s inequality has a class character

Women stand up! Fight capitalism that ruins your life!

Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
March 10, 2010

The message of the 8th March echoed throughout the country during the mass rallies held by  PAME and the Greek Federation of Women (OGE) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary since the establishment of the International Women‘s Day. Thousands of people participated in the rallies and showed their determination to fight against the “black block” of the government, the EU, the capital, the parties that support the EU and the compromised leaderships in the trade union movement.


International Women’s Day Statement

Canadians for Peace and Socialism
March 8th 2010

On this International Women’s Day, the attack by the right-wing Harper Conservative minority government on worker’s families, against women and young people and children is resisted by the organized action of the left, labor, peace and democratic movements of the people.

There is a growing recognition among all progressive forces, that the struggle for the full emancipation of women from all forms of double oppression, inequality and exploitation, for full economic independence, for an end to all forms of violence against women is inseparable from the struggle of the working class as a whole to end the system of wage slavery.  

The struggle for women’s emancipation is unresolved. It has been going on since the advent of class society. It continues today. All of the advances in the struggle for women’s full equality have been achieved as a result of the organized and united struggle of men and women together, in full recognition of the fact, that when women are oppressed and denied their full economic, political and social rights, all working people are diminished and weakened in the struggle for a better life for all.



Reinforce the struggles of young women for full equality!

Young Communist League of Canada
March 2010.

The Young Communist League celebrates International Women’s Day and calls on youth and students, regardless of gender, to unite against the Harper Conservative anti-women agenda. For around 100 years International Women’s Day (IWD) has been celebrated across the globe. In many places, including the socialist countries, it is celebrated as an official holiday. IWD is a time to celebrate the heroic struggles of women, including young women and girls, across the planet throughout history for equality and freedom. It is also a time to renew these struggles as they are still needed so long as patriarchy and capitalism exist.

The Harper Conservative government represents an immediate threat to the rights of women in Canada. In 2008, the Tories proved their continued opposition to women’s reproductive rights by introducing the “unborn victims of crime act,” which would have opened the door to further laws limiting or prohibiting access to abortion. Young women need a pro-choice agenda which provides education and access to both birth control and abortion free and without harassment by anti-choice forces. Harper has attacked women’s shelters and advocacy groups with funding cuts which have resulted in, among other things, 12 out of 16 regional offices of Status of Women Canada being closed, and the elimination the Court Challenges Program.



World Federation of Trade Unions 2010 International Women’s Day Statement

The Secretariat WFTU
5 March 2010

The WFTU honours this year’s March 8th , a special historic anniversary. 100 years are completed since Klara Tsetkin suggested to celebrate every year this day as the anniversary of the sacrifice of women Textile strikers held on March 8, 1857 in New York.

We do the report of the 100 years of struggles for the equality of women, for social equality and continuation of our action against the capitalist attacks in the achievements and rights of women worldwide.

The women’s issue is a complex of economic, political and cultural inequalities and discriminations that occur in all social relations and derives from the class relations of exploitation. The experience and life itself showed that the liberation of women from the class exploitation and the double oppression, its real equality with men can only be done by eliminating the exploitation of man by man.



A day like few

Jeronimo Carrera
Communist Party of Venezuela
March 6, 2010
Translated from Google Translator

The importance of meaning for all humanity, without exaggeration, the date of March 8 as International Women's Day, has become almost unbeatable. It strikes me that only the celebration of May 1st, International Workers Day, it is similar in scope and purpose.

But it is in this sense that today I come to this date, but rather in terms of concrete outcomes that result for men and women of our country and around the world, the growing struggle for what has been to qualify as "gender equality" and that I'd rather seen more as a part of the centuries-fight for all mankind, from the earliest times, for freedom from all forms of oppression.

For it is a struggle which essentially seeks the release of female labor, in all its many variants, you should not forget that home is not limited to, the oppression of women by her husband, who has been so far more common, but is also expressed in the exploitation of women bourgeois capitalists really make the work of women workers, whether in business or so-called "service work".


Women are stronger in the centenary of March 8!
Labour Party, (EMEP), Turkey

March 12, 2010

This year March 8 has a special importance because of the centenary of its proclamation. Women, who partook in the organised movement of the working class 150 years ago against brutal working conditions, discrimination and poverty imposed by capitalism, have gained many rights by their struggle. Today, women are struggling against national, sexual and class exploitation in a more powerful way.


International Statements