Focus On Socialism Blogs

The Way I See It

The Way I See It !

Political commentary, observations and opinion from Don Currie the editor of Focus on Socialism and Chair of Canadians for Peace and Socialism.

From the Smoke Pit

WC O'Casey brings 30 years of work experience in the Alberta energy sector to offer observations and political comment on Canada's energy and industrial resource sectors from a worker's perspective.

FOS Recommended Blogs

La Vie Réelle in English

Semimonthly communist newsletter published in Montréal.

Pour la KOMINTERN now!

New Blog published in Montréal by Daniel Paquet which focuses on Canadian and International communist politics

Gus Hall Action Club

We are a bona fide Marxist-Leninist Communist club in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. The book Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism points out that: "Thorough mastery of Marxism-Leninism gives one a profound conviction not only of the correctness of the workers' cause, but of the historical inevitability of the coming triumph of socialism throughout the world.   Marxism-Leninism is a source of strength, even to the weak; a source of steadfast political principle.   It instills the unshakable ideological conviction that enables one to withstand all trials and ordeals." (Otto Kuusinen, Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow)

Trilateral Blog

This is the blog of the Canadian Peace Congress, MOMPADE (The Mexican Peace Council) and the US Peace Council.  All these are fraternal organizations and they are all members of the World Peace Council.  Following the October 2009 Trilateral Confernece in Toronto Ontario it was agreed that a blog would be established for inter organization communication and to provide a means to post statements.