" Focus On Labour

Workers are confronted with massive erosions of living standards, wages and retirement security.   Intensification of labour through job eliminations, speed-up and longer work hours are threatening Canadian families mental and physical health and well-being. War undermines Canadian sovereignty and the expansion of the economy, transferring massive amounts of capital from peaceful purposes, such as manufacturing, low cost housing and health care, to war profiteers and investor classes, who care little about the fate of working families so long as their profits remain unchallenged and their pockets books continue to be fat and bloated with cash.
The Canadian labour movement is waging important struggles to defend and secure the economic positions of workers. Many in the leadership of the trade union movement feel the approach to struggle is through partnerships with the bosses and political parties. The Canadian labour movement has a rich history of militant struggle. History has proved time and again that the only way workers defend their economic situation is through organization and independent militant struggle and independent political action.
Focus On Labour examines labour politics and comments on the current struggles Canadian workers face. We examine Canadian and international labour politics through a Marxist-Leninist analysis. We analyse the positions of political parties towards labour and attempt to expose the parasites living off of all the unpaid labour time and national wealth created by the over whelming majority of working Canadians – the labouring Canadian working class.
Please send us articles of the struggles and battles raging in your work place, in your schools, in your hospitals, on your construction sites and plant foors – no fight is too small in the defence of workers.
