On the Occasion of the 80th Birthday of Cathy Fischer
Nevember28, 2008
Canadians for Peace and Socialism

Dear Cathy
November 28th, 2008
We greet you and embrace you on the occasion of your 80th birthday. We salute your life-long participation in the struggle for peace and socialism. You have persisted when others have fallen by the wayside. Although not able to participate in the way you once did, you will always be for us Cathy, the one who is always there in the struggle.
From your earliest days at the University of Saskatchewan, through the Stockholm Appeal, the Ban the Bomb Campaign, through McCarthyism, through the fight against the war in Viet Nam, the opposition to the Gulf War and down to the present opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – you have always been there. A true daughter to Walter and Margaret Wiggins! A true daughter of Saskatchewan!
You will always be, in whatever way you can, an important contributor to each and every struggle, on the side of the workers and farmers, the poor and the oppressed in Canada and Saskatchewan, as they once again confront hard times and fight for economic and social justice.
You will be there to support the electoral struggles of the people of Canada and Saskatchewan to elect representatives of the working people. You will be there to support the just struggles of the First Nations and Aboriginal people, for women’s rights and for the needs of the youth and the children.
As editor of Saskatchewan Peace News and an activist in the Regina Peace Council, you are recognized not only provincially and nationally, but also internationally, for your contributions to the struggle for peace.
We join with family, comrades and friends to wish you long life, happiness, and many more years of in the struggle. You will always be there.
Don Currie, Chair
Canadians for Peace and Socialism