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Tim Buck (Always Under Construction)

Put Monopoly Under Control (1964)

1) Nationalization: The Way to be Masters in Our Own House
2) Planned Investment for Balanced Growth
3) This Land is Our Land

4) The Price of Integration with the USA

Tim Buck - Lenin and Canada

Lenin and Canada (1970)

Progress Publishers, Toronto

Chapter 1 - The Canadian Labour Movement before the Great October Revolution

Chapter 2 - From Confusion to United Purpose

Chapter 3 - Lenin and the Founding of the Party of a New Type in Canada

Chapter 4 - From ‘Political Inexperience’ to the Struggle for Leninism

Chapter 5 - Irreconcilable Theoretical Polemics

Chapter 6 - Lenin and the Character of the Canadian State

Chapter 7 - Lenin and Canadian Independence

Appendix 1 - Lenin - A Man for All Time

Appendix 2 - New Level of Struggle for Freedom, Peace and Socialism

Appendix 3 - Lenin and Today’s Problems in the Trade Union Movement

Appendix 4 - Audacity: Your Name Was Lenin