CP of Brazil

CP of Brazil, Motion of Solidarity to Iran

Communist Party of Brazil
February 9, 2010

http://www.pcdob.org.br, mailto:internacional@pcdob.org.br  

Motion of Solidarity

The Central Committee of Communist Party of Brazil expresses solidarity to the Iranian people, the Communist Tudeh Party of Iran and other progressive forces in their struggle to defend the national sovereignty, peace, social rights, political freedom, human rights and justice.

The Brazilian Communists condemn the repression, arrests and deaths of protesters and activists. These events have occurring within a context of escalating hostility and interference of U.S. imperialism and other imperialist powers to destabilize Iran.  The PCdoB reaffirms the defense of the national sovereignty of the Iranian people and their right to self-determination. The use of force against the people, the communists and progressive forces is weaking the national unity and encouraging the insidious tactics of imperialism in search of pretexts to intervene in the country.

The Central Committee of the PCdoB manifests itself in favor of dialogue and peace in the internal situation in the country.

The Central Committee of the PCdoB condemns the pressure, blackmail and threats from U.S. imperialism and its allies against Iran, which endangers peace and security not only in the Middle East and Persian-Arabic Gulf, but in the world.

We reaffirm the struggle for national sovereignty and self-determination, fundamental principles of international law.

In Brazil and Latin America’s progressive governments, the Iranian people can count with important partners in the defense of sovereignty, freedom, peace and progress.

São Paulo, February 7, 2010.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil