We will cut off imperialisms war

We will cut off imperialisms war scenarios at the pass

Press Statement on the attack on the Gaza flotilla

Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

May 31, 2010

http://int.tkp.org.tr/ , mailto:int@tkp.org.tr

The pirate commandos trained by Israel Naval Forces mounted an operation this morning to capture the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza and slaughtered unarmed civilians in the course of this outrageous operation.

We perceive this violent attack as an extension of the tension escalated and the permanent state of war created by the policies of imperialism. These policies, which have targeted Iran, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon at various times, aim at transforming the Middle East into an imperialist tunnel of horror  through a continuous state of war so as to bring the peoples to heel that ultimately entrench the interests of the U.S. imperialism.

Israel’s outrageous act of killing civilians and capturing hundreds of people in international waters in the attack against the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, where Israel recently attacked violently once again destroying its entire infrastructure and superstructure, proves the barbarous character of Zionism, which is encouraged and inflamed by the U.S. imperialism despite the fact that it seldom pulls on its straps.

On this occasion, the communists of Turkey demand;

  1. Immediate deportation of the diplomatic mission of Israel in Turkey,

  2. Cancellation of all military agreements made with Israel so far,

  3. Cancellation of all secret agreements with Israel and making these agreements public,

  4. Bringing Zionism to account for this aggression in every possible international platform.

The imperialist policies of war could be defeated only in this manner; otherwise our country cannot free itself from becoming an actor of the same imperialist plans.

We call our people not to keep silent for the sake of our country’s and humanity’s future.

Communist Party of Turkey

Central Office