On the Attack of the Israeli For

On the Attack of the Israeli Forces on the "Free Gaza" Boats

Progressive Party for the Working People (AKEL), Cyprus

June 01, 2010

http://www.akel.org.cy, InterBureau@akel.org.cy  

31/5/2010, Nicosia

AKEL condemns in the most vehement way the new Israeli atrocity, this time towards activists who attempted peacefully to transport humanitarian assistance to occupied Gaza.

Once more, the state of Israel is exhibiting no respect at all whatsoever to human life and International Law, murdering activists and indeed, according to information received so far, in international waters. The "crime" of the activists was their intention to offer a breath of help and relief to the suffering inhabitants of Gaza. No justification whatsoever by Israel can relieve it from its utter responsibilities for this new crime.

We call on the international community, the United Nations and the EU to condemn the new brutal action of the state of Israel and to demand from it to face up to its enormous responsibilities.

Furthermore, we call on the international community, the United Nations and the EU to act at last with due determination so that the occupation of the Palestinian territories be ended, the criminal blockade of Gaza be lifted immediately that has condemned one and a half people to poverty, the racist wall in Jerusalem be dismantled and the continuing colonisation in the occupied areas and expulsion of the Palestinians from their homes be stopped.

In addition, the international community must cease tolerating the continued crime against the Palestinian people which numerous resolutions of the UN have characterised as such; moreover, the Goldstone Report of last September pointed at Israel as guilty of war crimes and possibly for crimes against humanity as a result of the Israeli invasion of Gaza in January 2009.

More specifically, we call on the USA to cease backing provocatively the state of Israel in its continued criminal policy, as well as the EU to do the same, starting with the immediate halting of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.

As AKEL, we once again express our solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people in its struggle for liberation from the occupation and the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Furthermore, we express our deep sorrow and unreserved support to the families and beloved ones of those murdered and injured by the Israeli commandos in today's bloody attack against the activists of the "Free Gaza" initiative.