Against Anti-communism

Against Anti-communism

New Communist Party Netherlands (NCPN)

June 10, 2010,

The New Communist Party of the Netherlands strongly protests against Anti-communism in Poland and elsewhere in Europe.

On June 8th a new law came into effect in Poland making it illegal to use any symbols which the rulers consider communist. The use of such symbols will be punishable.

The NCPN will take steps to fight this decision.

The government of Poland, a country like the Netherlands, being EU-member, should be made clear that this law suppresses the freedom of expression and other human rights that should belong to all people in a modern world.

All democrats in Europe should stop the fascist and Nazi forces that gain still increasing influence in Poland, in the Czech Republic, in Hungary, in the Baltic States and elsewhere in Europe.

Every attempt to compare communism with Nazism is a criminal lie and a reactionary falsification of history.

The communists were among the first ones to fight actively against Nazism in all its aspects. This happened in Germany, in the Netherlands, and in the Eastern European states. It took the life of thousands of communists. It was the Soviet Union that with tremendous human sacrifices was the leading force that together with communist and other resistant movements in all occupied countries including the Netherlands and with the allied nations ensured the defeat of Nazis rule in Europe.

We urge all democratic people to protest against these attacks on the organizations and symbols of the working class.

We will send messages to the Dutch government, the Dutch parliament and the Dutch members of the European Parliament. They should all participate in the protests against this undemocratic legislation that we see in Poland and elsewhere.

We wish the Communist Party of Poland strength and success in their fight for a decent and democratic Poland.

New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN)

Wil van der Klift

International secretary