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December 8, 2010

Political Statement Oppose the European Union, ECB and IMF takeover

Communist Party of Ireland

The deepening crisis of the monopoly capitalist system—imperialism—has exposed the deep structural crisis lying at its very heart. The crisis has also shown that the system is incapable of resolving its deep contradictions without resorting to a massive assault on the working conditions and living standards of working people and on the gains made by working people over decades of mass class struggle. - Communist Party of Ireland


NATO The World's Gendarme A Military Mafia


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a bird of prey hatched in the skirts of yankee imperialism, and moreover equipped with tactical nuclear weapons many times more destructive than the atom bomb that erased the city of Hiroshima, has been committed by the United States to the genocidal Afghanistan war, even more complex than the Kosovo adventure and the war on Serbia, where its forces massacred the city of Belgrade and were at the point of suffering a disaster if the government of that country had remained firm, instead of trusting in the institutions of European justice in the Hague. - Global Research


Stalin and Operation Barbarossa

Bob Treasure, Guardian Roundup, Communist Party of Australia

This was a war of annihilation, a clash of two completely opposite ideologies. Hitler was clear that conquest of the East meant enslavement of all Slavic peoples and widespread resettlement of the Master Race in their rural Paradise of servitude. Stalin made it plain from the outset that “Hitlers come and go, but the German people go on”. Yes, it was a war of national salvation for Russians, spurred by outrage over a brutal invasion, but more importantly it was a struggle for the survival of their socialist achievement and international brotherhood.



The deepening systemic crisis of capitalism

The tasks of Communists in defence of sovereignty, deepening social alliances, strengthening the anti-imperialist front in the struggle for peace, progress and Socialism

«Read the Contributions on Solidnet«

Open Letter to the Members and Supporters of Canadians for Peace and Socialism (CPS) and the Communist Party of Canada (CPC)

By: Don Currie
Chair Canadians for Peace and Socialism
Editor Focus on Socialism
November 28, 2010

Canada, a G7-NATO state tightly integrated into the global system of imperialism has not escaped the consequences of the global crisis of capitalism.  There has been both short term and systemic damage to the Canadian economy and the welfare and standards of living of our people.  All of the disparities in capitalist society affecting the social needs of the people resulting from the anarchic development of the economy for maximum profit have been made worse.

State monopoly capitalism has used the current crisis as a pretext to recklessly appropriate all of the resources and wealth created by the people of Canada.  The state treasury, fiscal and monetary policy, government income and expenditure and links with international finance capital, have all been mobilized to protect a small class of wealth and privilege from the effects of capitalist cyclical crisis.  The short and long term needs of the people have been abandoned.

The minority Conservative Government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper with the support of right wing Liberals seeks to make the massive shift in wealth from the people to monopoly permanent.


Fall Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada

From the Young Communist League of Canada

November 29, 2010

The Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of Canada met this past weekend in Toronto to discuss the current political situation and the role of the Party. The following summary is provided for members of the Young Communist League and our friends. We would like to draw to your attention to the following highlights, while noting that the Central Committee of the YCL-LJC will also be convened in one week.


Focus On Socialism will comment on the report as soon as it is made available to workers.

CPS Statement on Rising Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

November 23, 2010

Prime Minister Harper Inflames War Danger

Reject the Right Wing War Policy of the Minority Conservative Harper Government

Demand the Canadian Government Act to Reduce Tensions and Promote a Negotiated Peaceful Settlement

When the choice is between a Canadian government initiative that could reduce tensions and promote peace and actions that raise tensions and lead to war, Prime Minister Harper chooses war over peace.

Prime Minister Harper’s knee jerk support for the Obama administrations threats against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK - North Korea) inflames the danger of a skirmish becoming a major war. It is the height of irresponsibility to promote war when peace is possible.


Statement of Canadians for Peace & Socialism

For a Canadian Foreign Policy of Peace

October 13, 2010

The rejection by a majority of the member states of the United Nations, of the bid by the right-wing minority Conservative Government led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper for a seat on the Security Council of the UN is a stinging defeat for the pro-NATO, pro-Israel, pro-war, anti-people’s program foisted on the UN by the leading G7 imperialist states led by the U.S.A.

The Harper defeat at the U.N. paves the way for further defeats of the right-wing minority Conservative Government at home and its ouster in the next federal election.

It would be a mistake to consider the defeat of the Harper right-wing Conservatives as strictly a Canadian affair. It is much more than that. This incident deserves a deeper analysis by the left progressive forces for peace and socialism as to the significance of the complex struggles unfolding among UN member states. The majority of member states are less inclined to subsume their interests in those of the leading G7 states. Given the opportunity via a secret ballot to elect another avowed representative of the pro-U.S., pro-NATO, pro-Israel lobby at the U.N. a majority of the U.N. member states refused.


Statement of FOS Editorial Board

November 28, 2010

The editorial board of Focus On Socialism (FOS) is issuing this public statement as a response to Darrel Rankin, Manitoba Provincial Leader of the Communist Party of Canada (CPC), objecting to FOS editor Don Currie stating that Darrel Rankin “plagiarized” Don Currie’s March 27, 2005 article entitled “The 60th Anniversary of V.E. Day”


Recent Front Pages:

November 28, 2010: Yes to Peace! No to NATO!...

August 27, 2010: Organize To prevent an Israeli-US-Harper sanctioned attack on Iran...

June 23, 2010: Statements On G20 Events Toronto...

May 31, 2010: Statements On Israel Attack on Gaza Flotilla...

May 25, 2010: Statements On Korea...