Prime Minister Harper – Homeland

Prime Minister Harper – Homeland Security - Israel and the USA

Don Currie, Chair CPS

February 2, 2011

Prime Minister Harper has been summoned to Washington to hear the terms and conditions for increased Canada-US border security demanded by US Senator Joseph Lieberman, Chair of the US Senate Homeland Security Committee. Lieberman is an active proponent of the activities of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC the largest political lobby group on Capitol Hill Washington DC. Lieberman demands that the Harper Government immediately patch up alleged leaks on the Canadian side of the Canada-US border where he asserts criminals and Islamic terrorists lurk and are planning to pour across the border into the USA to carry out terrorist attacks on US citizens.[1]

Dutifully Prime Minister Harper, an ardent supporter of both Israel and the USA, is heading to Washington promising to do better. The Prime Minister will discuss with President Obama sharing with US authorities more internal security information the Harper Government has gathered on Canadian citizens. The NDP, Bloc and Liberal opposition are calling upon Harper to report to Parliament on his security talks in Washington. Harper is non-committal.  Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff, NDP Leader Jack Layton and Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe stop short of condemning the Harper Government’s preparedness to act as a spy agency on its own people on behalf of foreign powers, namely the USA and Israel.

The NDP, the Liberals and the Bloc can’t do that because they are all compromised by actively supporting the Canadian version of AIPAC, the Canadian Parliamentary Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA)[2].  The connection of the NDP and the Liberals to this committee are well known. Not as well known is the fact that Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc is considered by the Canada Israel Committee to be pro-Zionist.[3]

Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism is Prime Minister Harper’s point man on CPCCA.[4]  Kenney a former head of the right wing Taxpayers Federation of Canada has branded critics of Zionism as anti-Semites. Kenney has over the years had close working relations with the Christian Right in Canada including its controversial right-wing extremist voice, Charles McVety. The connections between Zionism, the Christian Right, the Harper Conservatives and the CPCCA are well documented in the Armageddon Factor by Marci McDonald.[i]

Kenney’s pivotal role on the pro-Israeli file has been exposed by many left radicals such as, Tyee and its main publicist Murray Dobbin, Canpalnet, Global Research and many other critics of the Harper Government’s pro-Israeli anti-Palestinian policies. Kenney among other things is being sued by British MP George Galloway for Kenney’s illegal and failed attempt to prevent Galloway from touring Canada on behalf of the struggle of the Palestinian people.[5]

What most of these pro-Palestinian groups have not done as yet is to make the connection between the CCPCA and the anti-communist Statue of Liberty Group comprised of organizations that represent eastern European, Asian,  nationalist, revanchist, pro-fascist groups that trace their political origins to support for Hitler and post-WW2 cold war dictators backed by the USA. This group works to erect a monument in Ottawa to the alleged victims of communism. These groups are the Canadian counterparts to the neo-fascist groups in the EU Parliament attempting to ban communist organizations in Europe.

It is these types of right-wing extremist connections with their underlying anti-communism that is spreading a kind of subterranean right-wing political rot of racism, bigotry and pro-fascist sentiment that has influence and is not being openly challenged.

The political agenda of these forces is to be well placed at all levels of government, primarily as lobbyists and to be ready to assume a more influential role in governance if the Harper Conservatives win a majority in the next federal election. If they deliver votes, they will be demanding a bigger political voice. Together they represent the anteroom of fascism.

That is why Harper must be defeated and the sooner the better.

Left Turn Canada!

[i]  The Armageddon Factor, The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada. Random House Canada.