Dear friends of Peace and Socialism
We in CPS believe the article from Global Research, "The Crashing U.S. Economy Held Hostage" by Richard Cook to be a sober warning to all who are concerned about the economy and the prospects for peace. We forward it for your information, urgent consideration and comment. We in CPS through our newsletter Focus on Socialism and on our website have been writing on similar themes for some time without the obvious advantages and experience and training of Mr. Cook. Nonetheless it has been clear to us for some time that a serious economic crisis is maturing with potentially disastrous consequences for millions of ordinary working Canadians and their families.
The Harper Conservative Government is ignoring all of the warnings presaging a serious downturn in the US economy and instead of adopting policies that protect Canadian workers, farmers, pensioners, the youth and children, PM Harper clings to his neo-con mindset and continues to fully endorse and support the current disastrous policy of finance capitalist economic plunder at home and imperialist war abroad presently pursued by the Bush administration in the United States. The opposition parties in Parliament continue to underestimate the seriousness of the impending catastrophe confronting the working people of Canada.
We in CPS believe this is the time for the left progressive and peace forces in Canada to begin intensive networking, without ideological and political prejudice, to work toward a great democratic conference to alert the Canadian people to the new economic realities and begin to develop and campaign for an alternative people’s economic program of peace.
Don Currie, Chair,
Canadians for Peace and Socialism
The Crashing U.S. Economy Held Hostage
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